运用影片拍摄及解析的方法对参加第 8届全国运动会男子跳高比赛前 10名运动员在起跳过程中摆动腿摆动的运动学进行了分析。结果表明 :在起跳过程中 ,摆动腿摆动角度速度最大值为腾起垂直初速度呈非常显著性的正相关 ,与蹬伸时间呈显著性的负相关 ,同时 ,摆动腿的摆动使身体重心高度呈上升趋势。另外 ,运动员在起跳过程中普遍存在着摆动腿的摆速和摆幅偏小的问题 。
Film shooting and analyzing were used for a analysis on top 10 excellent male high jumpers kinematics character of swinging of swinging leg's action during the take_off phase at the 8th national games It was proved that during the take_off phase,the maximum angle velocity of swinging was highly correlated to the lift vertical starting velocity and was high_negatively correlated to the duration of the etretching At the same time,the swinging of the swing leg's cause the height of the center of body gavity in rising trend In addition,it's common problem for jumpers that the take_off swing leg's has a lower swing speed and smaller amplitude,so it influcences to the effect of take_off
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University