In order to study the mixture benefits of the mixed forest of Chinese pine with Chinese arborvitae, eight series of comparable sample plots of the mixed forest and its corresponding Chinese arborvitae forest are located on the slopes of different site conditions. It is found that the mixed forest has shown significant mixture benefits1. The mixed forest has more biological productivity in tree layer than the pure forest, but the undergrowth has less.The total community biomass of the mixed forest is more than the pure forest obviously.2. The daily microclimate change of illumination, air temperature and soil temperature in the mixed forest is more gentle than in the pure forest. This proves that the mixed forest can certainly improve its microclimate.3. The maximum water contents of forest litter are disscussed with its other effects. A conclusion is that the litter in mixed forest is superior to the pure forest overall.4. The natural soil water contens of the mixed foresi; during a year are generally larger than the Chinese arborvitae's.5. The condition of soil fertility of the mixed forest is worse than the pure Chinese arborvitae forest mainly for the decomposition rate of the Chinese arborvitae's litter is much more fast than the Chinese pine's.6. The amount of soil erosion in the mixed forest is just about 280-1150 t/km2 . a, but 900-3200 t/km2 . a in the pure Chinese arborvitae forest.It is suggested that the mixed forest of Chinese pine with Chinese arborvitae as a protection forest in mountainous areas has a broad prospect to be expanded.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
mixed forest, mixture benifit, ecological benifit.