The effect of water temperature change on the rate of embryos and alevin development and the upper and lower limits of lethal temperature for hatching have been defined for dace (Leuciscus brandti) stocks. Incubation temperatures of 10℃ and 18℃ produced the best survival rates of eggs and alevins for dace stocks. The embryos stood with a temperature between 7℃ and 27℃, nearly 100% mortality occurred at 27℃ or higher and below 7℃. Effect of temperature on embryos was distinct at different development stages, and the lower temperatures harmed easily to neural plate and early alevins. At 7℃, the embryos of neural plate stages had nearly 100% mortality and early alevin had about 90% mortality. A temperature over 19℃ harmed easily to organogenesis and hatching stages. The relationship between temperature and hatching duration was non-linear: Y = 3587.29X-1.300.The centigrade units of hatching was not constant. The changing range of the centigrade units was different at each of development stages of embryos. In hatching and blastula-gastrula stages, centigrade units change greatly. At a lower temperature, the embryos development stopped, and the 'dormancy temperature' of embryos was different at each of development stages, for example, the hatching stage was at 9℃, the blastula-gastrula stage was at 8.5℃ and the cleavage and organogenesis stages were at 6.5℃.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
dace (Leuciscus brandti), embryos development, temperature change.