目的 :研究增强扫描在诊断脾外伤中的重要作用。材料与方法 :收集 30例脾外伤病例 ,其中 14例仅做了平扫 ,16例做了平扫加增强扫描 ,所有影像及病历资料进行了分析 ,总结 ,并做了统计学处理。结果 :增强扫描较单纯平扫诊断正确率有明显提高 ,同时可显示清楚少量腹水及平扫见不到的脾实质内的损伤病灶 ,在增强图像上脾脏早期损伤病灶可表现为条状或点状不强化的低密度灶。增强扫描并有助于发现其它相邻脏器的损伤。结论 :增强扫描对于脾外伤的早期正确诊断是非常重要的 ,平扫未见异常不能除外有脾挫伤存在 ;另外 ,增强扫描有助于发现其它脏器的复合伤 ,因而对于怀疑有内脏损伤病例 。
Purpose:To evaluate diagnostic value of using contrast enhanced CT when splenic trauma.Materials and Methods:30 cases with splenic trauma were undergone CT scan.of 30 cases,bolus injection of contrast medium was given in 16 cases,their CT features and the patients' clinical dates were analysed and summarized.Results:By statistic analysis the diagnostic rate for using contrast enhanced CT was obviously higher than for general CT scan in abdominal trauma,also a few of ascites and splenic trauma not shown by general CT scan could be shown at images.The early stage imaging finds of splenic trauma was a piece of low denser shows or a point of low denser shows after using contrast enhanced CT.The method with contrast enhanced CT was also helpful to find other damages of internal organs in obdominal trauma.Conclusion:The methods of using contrast enhanced CT was very important for early finding splenic damage in abdominal trauma.It couldn′t be said that there was not splenic trauma existing at spleen only undergone general scan.There fore ,it was very necessary that using contrast enhanced CT shoud be made timely when doubted existence of splenic damage.
Modern Medical Imageology