
对中国海相盆地油气资源战略选区的思路 被引量:7

Thought Clew to Search after Strategic Prospecting Precincts of Oil and Gas Resources in Marine Facies Basins in China
摘要 中国古大陆的地质构造演化、盆地性质和盆山转换过程以及资源分布,决定了我国油气勘探战略方针应为两个并举:海域区勘探和陆上区勘探同时并举;陆上区应为古生代海相盆地和陆相盆地同时并举。中国陆地上的海相油气盆地主要分布在特提斯构造域中,具克拉通基底的塔里木、鄂尔多斯和四川盆地三大海相盆地是当前我国油气资源重要勘探开发区,具有巨大的资源潜力。中国古大陆发育有两个构造层次的海相盆地,早古生代海相盆地沉积了海侵和海退序列两套烃源岩。晚古生代一早印支期的早期海侵序列以储集层为主、烃源岩次之;海平面下降期的盆地具生储双重性。油气勘探开发的实践证明,三大海相盆地在生烃、储集、成藏上具有三个共性:(1)原型盆地演化和沉积序列相同,具五个层系的烃源岩;(2)加里东构造运动形成夭折前陆盆地,造就了古隆起和构造掀斜,形成浅海深水盆和古暴露面;(3)古岩溶碳酸盐岩与上覆晚古生代海侵地层组成了储集成藏体系。 China's strategic principle of oil and gas exploration should be two'pay equal stress on both'.Strategic disposition of oil and gas exploration in the whole country should pay equal stress on both offshore and land territories.In the land territory it should pay equal stress on both marine basins and lacustrine basins.Marine basins in land mainly belonged to Tethyan tec- tcnic domain.The marine basins that developed on the cratonic basement,including Tarim,Sichuan,and Ordos basins,pos- sess of enormous potential of oil and gas resource and thus they are important exploration and exploitation regions in recent and future years.Bilayer-textured marine basins developed during Calidonian movement and Hercynian—early Indosinian movements.During early Paleozoic,the marine basins deposi- ted transgressive sequence of and regressive sequence of hy- drocarbon rocks separately.During the late Paleozoic—early Indosinian movement,the early transgressive sequence depos- ited as reservoirs primarily and source rocks secondly,so that the basins developed during ascending sea level are of a res- ervoir-source rock dualism.Exploration and exploitation has proved that there are three commonness in hydrocarbon gener- ation,accumulation and placement for the marine prototypic basins in central and western China:(1) The marine prototypic basins share the same sedimentary evolution and depositional sequences,and they have developed five sets of source rocks;(2) neritic deep water basins and paleo-exposed sur- faces developed since the Caledonian movement resuled in failed foreland basins,which created paleo-uplifts and struc- tural tilting;and (3) hydrocarbon reservoirs and petroleum systems that consist of Paleo-karst carbonate rocks with over- lapping late Paleozoic rocks.
出处 《海相油气地质》 2003年第1期1-9,共9页 Marine Origin Petroleum Geology
关键词 中国 海相盆地 油气资源 选区 油气勘探 特提斯构造域 沉积演化 构造演化 烃源岩 油气成藏 古隆起 Tethyan tectonic domain Marine basin Sedimentary evolution Tectonic evolution Source rock Hydrocarbon accumulation Petroleum exploration Prospecting strategy
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