针对跟骨压缩性、粉碎性骨折治疗难度大 ,后遗症多 ,缺乏简便、实用、功能完备的固定器械的问题 ,在明晰了引起后遗症的主要因素后 ,于既往应用跟骨反弹固定器的基础上 ,配合弹性加压的可塑性跟骨夹板 ,设计制造出跟骨弹性复位固定器 ,同时解决了跟骨增宽、Bohler氏角变小和不能早期活动的问题。在保证牢靠弹性固定的动态活动中最大限度使跟骨归拢复原 ,关节面恢复平整 ,减少了后遗症。经过近 1年 2 3例病人 2 6个跟骨的临床应用 ,优良率 96 .1%。初步证明该方法是一种安全、简便、有效的治疗方法。
Compression or comminuted fracture of the calcaneus has many sequelae well as a great difficulty to treat. Moreover, it lacks a simple, practical and perfect fixating appliance. In order to resolve the problems, a calcaneal elastic reducer-fixer (CERF) was designed and developed on the basis of the previous application of the calcaneal backspring fixer after clarifying the main causes for the sequelae. With the help of plastic calcaneal splints with elastic compression, this device is able not only to prevent calcaneal widening and Bohler's angle lessening but also to allow the early functional exercises. In dynamic exercises ensuring the rigid elastic fixation, CERF could reduce the calcaneus to the maximum, recover the articular surface smoothness and decrease the sequelae. Through the one-year clinical application in the treatment of 23 cases (26 calcanei), it obtained an excellent-good rate of 96.1% and primarily proved to be a safe, simple and effective therapy for the disease.
The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology
广州市黄埔区科技局 2 0 0 2年立项课题
calcaneal fracture/treatment, external fixation, calcaneal elastic reducer-fixer/instrument and equipment, clinical study