目的 通过对三级甲等医院护理人员艾滋病病毒 /艾滋病 (HIV/AIDS)知识、态度、信念、行为 (KABP)的现状调查 ,为今后加强HIV/AIDS有关知识的继续教育和通过她们行使对患者的健康教育奠定良好基础。方法 在调查前下发AIDS的防治知识手册 ,2个月后进行调查问卷。结果 85 %以上的护理人员对HIV/AIDS的基本知识掌握较好 ,并掌握HIV/AIDS的主要传播途径。但有 6 0 38%的人员认为与HIV感染者共用浴缸或便器 ,4 4 30 %的人认为蚊虫叮咬 ,可感染HIV。有 4 1 4 9%的护理人员对用于乙型肝炎病毒消毒的药物 ,完全可以用于HIV的消毒存在错误的认识。只有 2 0 19%的护理人员愿意接近HIV/AIDS患者 ,4 2 6 2 %的护理人员愿意与HIV感染者继续交往 ,87 6 6 %的护理人员对HIV感染者工作和学习给予宽容、接受的态度 ;4 3 2 8%的护理人员认为自己无感染HIV的危险 ,表现出在恐惧HIV/AIDS的同时 ,对HIV/AIDS的流行又认识不足。结论 应加强护理人员HIV/AIDS知识的强化教育 ,使她们在对普通患者的健康教育中 。
Objective To explore the status of HIV/AIDS knowledge,attitude,belief and practice among nurses,and provide scientific evidence,strengthen the HIV/AIDS related knowledge and health education among them,and then encourage them to adopt health education for patients.Method Questionnaires were distributed to 535 nurses after preliminary education for 2 months.Result Over 85% of the nurses surveyed had better basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS and its main transmission routes.However,60.38% of them believed that sharing bath tubs or toilet bowls might be a source of infection and 44.30% believed that mosquitos bite might play such role.41.9% thought that disinfectants used for hepatitis B could be used for HIV purpose.Only 20.19% were willing to keep close contacts with people living with HIV/AIDS and 42.62% would like to continue their communications with the latters.Of them 87.66% accepted people living with HIV/AIDS's work and study opportunities.Of them 43.28% thought that they themselves had no risk for HIV infection,and while displaying fears for HIV/AIDS,they had insufficient knowledge about its spread.Conclusion Education should be strengthened for nurses so that they may play an important role in health education for general patients and develop better social effect.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD