目的 评价糖尿病下肢动脉的血管改变及血管内介入治疗的临床价值。方法 对36例糖尿病足行下肢动脉DSA检查,并同时与血管超声进行对照,其中17例节段性狭窄行介入治疗(12例经皮血管球囊成形术,5例血管腔内支架植入)。术后常规抗凝治疗,并于6个月后血管造影复查。结果 糖尿病足下肢动脉有不同程度的狭窄与阻塞同时存在,细小动脉多有闭塞;17例行介入治疗者均有腘动脉以上动脉的慢性损伤。介入治疗可以改善糖尿病足下肢动脉的血液灌注,通过控制血糖和改善血液循环,其治疗的近期疗效令人满意。结论 DSA检查可以准确了解阻塞部位及程度,对糖尿病足的下肢动脉介入治疗疗效满意,可以大大降低患者的病残率。
Objective To assccss the changes of peripheral arteries and choice of interventional teat-ment in diabetic foot ulcers. Methods Thirty-six diabetic patients with foot ulcers were examined by lower extremity DSA with simultaneous ukrasonic Doppler examination for correlative study and interventional treatment carried out in 17 segmcntal stenotic cases Among them, 12 patients were treated by PTA and 5 patients by intravascular stenting. Results Irregular stenoses and obstruction were observed in all patients with peripheral foot ulcers. DSA examination was more reliable comparing with Doppler examination for demonstration of the arterial injury above the level of popliteal artery. PTA and primary stenting were effective in all of these subjects outcoming with promotion of the lower extremity artcrinal blood perfusion and foreseen curing efficacy. Conclusions Peripheral arterial stenoses were common in diabetic patients with foot ulcers. In clinical practice. DSA examination and interventional treatment could give a furtile prognosis and reduce disabling.
Journal of Interventional Radiology