元数据是解决网络资源从无序走向有序的方案之一 ,DC则是目前国际上最流行的一种元数据 ,而MARC作为图书馆界最有影响力的信息描述格式 ,也倍受人们的重视。本文主要从著录格式、著录对象、著录主体、著录详简程度、应用范围、产生途径及字段转换等方面论述了DC和MARC的主要联系与区别。
? Meta data is one scheme to make network resource develop from disorder to order,and DC is one most popular meta data in the world nowadays,while as the most influencing information description format in library field,MARC has also drown lots of attention.The paper discusses the main relationship and difference of DC and MARC from description format,description object,description main body,detailed or brief degree,application area,producing approach and field transform.
Journal of Modern Information