目的 研究银屑病患者红细胞表面CD35(Ⅰ型补体受体CR1)与CD59及红细胞趋化因子受体(ECKR)的表达及其相关性,并探讨其在银屑病发病机制中的作用。方法 应用流式细胞仪同时检测寻常型银屑病患者新鲜红细胞表面天然免疫分子CD35,CD59的表达水平;分离一定量的红细胞与IL-8结合,离心后取上清液用ELISA法测IL-8含量,反映ECKR结合活性。结果 正常人红细胞CD35与CD59呈明显负相关(r=-0.603,P<0.01),而在银屑病和恶性肿瘤则呈紊乱状态。银屑病红细胞CD35与ECKR结合活性呈正相关(r=0.515,P<0.005),而正常人和肿瘤患者两者无相关性。结论 红细胞CD35与CD59间及CD35与ECKR间可能存在某种调控机制,并在机体天然免疫反应和银屑病免疫发病机制中可能起重要作用。银屑病患者红细胞天然免疫功能亢进和红细胞CD35表达增加可能属反应性,而CD59表达可能属代偿性增强。
Objective To study the expression and realation of CD35 and CD59/ECKR on etythrocytes in patients with psoriasis, and find the possible role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Methods To determine the expression level of CD35/CD59 on fresh e-rythrocytes in patients with psoriasis by FCM. Isolated erythrocytes bound to IL-8. IL-8 levels were measured by ELISA in the supernatant after centrifuge, which to represent ECKR binding activity. Results In normal controls , there was a negative relationship between CD35 and CD59 (r = -0.603, P<0.01), but disorder in psoriasis (r = - 0. 378 ) and cancer( r = -0.019). In patients with psoriasis, CD35 on erythrocytes and ECKR binding activity were positive relationship (r = 0. 515 , P < 0. 005). Conclusion There maybe a control between CD35 and CD59/ECKR on erythrocytes, which may play an important role in the innate immune reaction and pathogenesis of psoriasis. The higher expression of CD35 ( CR1) on erythrocytes may be reactive, whereas the higher expression of CD59 may be compensatory.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers