利用北京市近 40年气候资料研究分析北京市市区与郊区平均气温日、季、年际和年代变化特征发现 ,40年中 1995年 11月 2 4日市区与郊区日平均气温温差最大 ,达 4.6℃ ;季变化市区与郊区温差冬季最大 ,为 1.11℃ ,春季最小 ,仅为 0 .2 6℃ ;年际变化 1961~ 1977年市区与郊区温差较小 ,而 1978~ 2 0 0 0年市区与郊区温差达0 .62℃ ,热岛效应明显增强 ;年代变化市区与郊区温差 60年代最小 ,仅为 0 .13℃ ,90年代最大 ,为 0 .78℃。近年虽高温 (≥ 3 5℃ )日数明显增多 ,但年最高气温变化较小 ,仅有 1997年、1999年和 2 0 0 0年年最高气温 >3 8℃。近 40年市区与郊区年平均气温明显上升 ,市区气温平均 10年升高 0 .43℃ ,郊区气温平均 10年升高 0 .2 1℃ ,北京市市区年平均气温序列中存在明显的
Variations of mean temperature in Beijing city are ana ly zed in this paper.The results show that the difference of mean daily temperature between city and suburb is the largest on 24 December in 1995 during the last 4 0 years,and the mean daily temperature in the city is 4.6℃ higher than that in the suburb;the difference of temperature between the city and the suburb is the utmost in winter season and the mean seasonal temperature in the city is 1.11℃ higher than that in the suburb,while the difference is the least in spring seaso n,and the temperature in the city is 0.26℃ higher than that in the suburb;for t he inter-annual variability of temperature,the difference of temperature is lit tle from 1961 to 1977,while the difference is great from 1978 to 2000,and the te mperature in the city is 0.62℃ higher than that in the suburb,so the heat islan d effect is reinforced from 1978 to 2000;the difference of temperature is the le ast in 1960's,and the temperature in the city is 0.13℃ higher than that in the suburb,whereas the difference is the maximal in 1990's,and the temperature in th e city is 0.78℃ higher than that in the suburb;the number of high temperature d ays(≥35℃)is going up obviously in recent years,but the highest temperature is not changed greatly,and the highest temperature is higher than 38℃ only in 1997 ,1999 and 2000. The mean annual temperature is increasing apparently during the last 40 years,and it is increasing by 0.43℃/10ɑ in the city and 0.21℃/10ɑ in the suburb,an obvious 12 years cycle of mean annual temperature is found.
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Heat island effect,Number of high temperature days,Inte r-annual change