目的 评价甲状腺癌的CT诊断价值。方法 6例经手术病理证实的甲状腺癌患者 ,行CT平扫和增强扫描。将扫描结果与大体病理标本相对照 ,研究其CT表现。结果 所有病例CT扫描均可见肿块 ,其边缘均不清楚 ,呈浸润性生长。 2 6例肿瘤为实性 ,患侧甲状腺体积增大 ,失去正常解部形态 ,其密度不均 ,均可见不同程度的低密度区 ,无明确境界 ;增强扫描肿瘤呈不均匀强化。 10例为囊性 ,伴高密度乳头状结节 ,囊壁厚薄不均 ,囊壁及结节有钙化。合并钙化者有 18例。气管受侵 10例 ,颈鞘血管受侵 8例 ,食管受侵 4例。颈部转移淋巴结 18例 ,同侧转移 11例 ,双侧转移 7例。结论 螺旋CT能判断甲状腺癌有无侵犯颈鞘血管和气管 ,为临床制定治疗方案提供重要依据。
Objective To explore the value of spiral CT in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma. Methods Thirty six pathologically proved thyroid carcinoma patients underwent plain and contrast enhancement CT. The imaging features were compared with gross pathological results. Results All the 36 patients demonstrated detectable masses on the spiral CT images. Twenty six of them were solid masses, with enlargement of the involved thyroid gland. There were inhomogeneous enhancement of the tumor after injection of the contrast material. Ten of them were cystic masses, with high density nodules adhere to the irregular cystic wall. There were scattered calcification located in the cystic wall and the nodules. The surrounding structures were involved, involvement of trachea, vessel sheath in 10 cases, vessel sheath in 8 patients, esophagus in 4 cases. There were lymph node metastases in 18 patiens, 11 unilateral and 7 bilateral. Conclusion CT is useful in the detection of vessel sheath and trachea invasion by the thyroid carcinoma. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology