宋代小说在中国小说发展史上的历史地位和文学价值长期处于尊唐抑宋的不公平评判话语系统中。本文从古代主要小说类型的题材、艺术风格、创作主旨等内部要素的演进过程和概念、理论、作品整理等外部因素的运动轨迹切入 ,综合分析讨论了宋代小说在古代小说领域的独特贡献和对后世产生的巨大影响 ,从而认为宋代小说在中国小说史上的地位和价值不低于甚至高于唐代 ,应该对尊唐抑宋的结论重新检讨和估价。
For a long time, in the development of Chinese fiction, the n ovels wri tten in Song Dynasty were not appropriately valued. Those written in Tang Dynast y were honored but those written in Song Dynasty were repressed. In this article , the author, by making a comprehensive analysis of such internal factors as the me, artistic style, leitmotiv and such external factors as concept, theory and r eorganization of works, discusses its unique contribution to the Chinese ancient fiction and its tremendous influence on coming generations. In conclusion, the author holds that the historical status and value of novels written in Song Dyna sty are not inferior to, but even superior to those written in Tang Dynasty. Tra ditional idea of honoring those written in Tang and repressing those in Song sho uld be re-examined and re-evaluated.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
Song Dynasty
history of fiction
historical stat us