步行空间是城市空间中极具平民性和大众性的组成部分 ,其质量构成要素如安全性、空间尺度、便利程度、景观等方面 ,当前均存在着程度不同的缺陷和问题 ,其原因主要与机动车交通、建筑活动、市政设施、绿化方式、规划与管理等因素相关。改善城市步行空间质量 ,要坚持城市工作的人民性原则 ,摈弃形而上学的思维方式 ,实施兼顾效率与公平的城市交通政策 ,并采用相关的适用技术与方法 ,完善规划设计环节 。
Pedestrian space is a component part of urban space, and a space opens to the masses. There are many defects and problems in varying digresses on its quality component elements such as safety, space scale, convenience and scene. The main courses of this are related to motor vehicle transportation, building activities, infrastructure, planting patterns, urban planning and administration. In order to improve urban pedestrian space, we should adhere to the principle of affinity to the people, abandon the mode of thinking of metaphysics, implement the transportation policy which giving consideration to both effectiveness and fair, perfect urban planning and design, treat wisely the relationship between green space and pedestrian ones, improve urban administration, and adopt appropriate techniques and methods.
Urban Problems