生产实习是工科类本科实践教学中的一个非常重要的教学环节 ,而目前的生产实习多为走马观花式的形式教育 ,市场经济使高校的生产实习面临不少的困难 ,对开展生产实习教育提出了严峻的挑战。如何有效地开展生产实习教育、提高生产实习质量及效果 。
Productive practice is the most important part of practice teaching program for engineering undergraduates in higher education. However the present productive practice is formalistic--to gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation, which is challenged by market economy and is confronted with many difficulties.Therefore, how to carry out the productive practice properly and enhance its quality and effect is an imperative problem to be solved.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology
桂林电子工业学院 2 0 0 1年教学改革资助项目