目的 :在新的护理管理模式下 ,为了充分发挥护理质控组织体系的职能与效能 ,成立护理质量督导委员会。方法 :从岗位设置、人员组成、职责界定到工作模式运作 ,保证护理质量控制组织功能发挥。结果 :护理质量督导委员会 ,在人力和时间上得到了保证 ,获得了灵敏、准确、及时的信息反馈 ,对动态掌握质量控制重点及科学决策提供了第一手资料 ;使护理纠纷隐患得以及时预防 ;维持了管理活动的动力 ;为继续护理教育提供了导向 ;保证和促进了整体护理质量的提高。结论
Objective: In order to improve the function and efficiency of nursing quality control, set up successive monitoring system over all positions. Method: Nursing quality supervise and direction committee was founded. The function of the committee is to set up positions, decide composition of staff and their job description. Results: After two years' practice of the committee, need of nursing manpower was met, information feedback became more sensitive, more accurate and more timely. Quality of primary data was improved and policy-making became more scientific. Management became more dynamic and interactive. Quality of continuous nursing education and holistic nursing were also improved. Conclusion: This form of quality control committee is worth spreading and applying in three grade hospital.
Journal of Nursing Administration