953口服液是由中药组成的复方制剂,经药效学实验表明,该制剂具有调整因放疗、化疗后引起的菌群失调和免疫功能低下的作用.为了进一步考察该制剂对其它系统的影响,我们用 953口服液对小鼠神经系统、心血管系统、呼吸系统、急性毒性试验做了研究.结果表明,该制剂对其均无显著性影响,且L_(D50)为 114.90g/kg,说明该制剂无毒无副作用,是一安全有效的微生态调整制剂.
953 oral liquid is a compound herb prescription. We have demonstrated that this medicine play a significant role in modulating flora imbalance by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and is even more effective for fidobacterium and lactobacilli. In order to study its effects on nervous system. cardiovascular system. respiratory, system and toxicity, we did experiments with albio rat. The results showed that 953 oral liquid had little effects on these systems. Its LD_(50), was 114.90g/kg, we concluded that this medicine was a good ecological adjuster with no toxic action, no side effects.
Journal of Dalian University