我国正处在一个由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨、由传统农业文明向工业文明过渡的社会转型时期。当前时期 ,法律、法规尚不健全 ,竞争规则有待于完善 ,道德建设方面出现的问题是旧的道德规范被削弱、淡化之后 ,个人非理性冲突缺乏新的有效的约束而造成的。在这一时期 ,社会必须树立起法制的权威来强制定位和规范行为主体的行为 ,以促进新道德在全社会的通行 。
Our country is now in a social transition pe riod from planning economic system to market economic system, from traditional agricultural civilization to industrial civilization. Laws and regulations are not complete,and competing rules need to be perfected. Problems in moral construction have arisen because of lack of new effective binding force to regulate individual irrational conflict after old laws are weakened. In this period, society must set up the authority of law to regulate people's action, promote new morals and gradually cultivate people's new moral norms.
Journal of Luoyang Agricultural College