农业经济是兵团经济的基础 ,但传统的经济发展模式 ,使兵团农业的发展陷入非可持续发展的境地。兵团农业要走出困境 ,只有选择可持续发展战略 ,以生态农业为发展模式 ,才能实现经济、资源、环境和人口的协调发展 ,实现人与自然的和谐统一 ,促进兵团农业的持续。
The traditional patterns of economical management has made the agricultural development of the Xingjiang Group fall into unsustainable straits.If the agriculture of the Xingjiang Groups wants to get rid of predicament,the strategy of sustainable development is the best option for it.The economy of the Xingjiang Groups will be able to carry out the development of economy,resources,environment and population by relying on ecological forms of agriculture,and seeking harmonious unity of human and nature;and then it can promote the sustainable steady agricultural development of the Xingjiang Groups.\;
Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute