《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》明确提出了制定和实施区域卫生规划的要求 ,并把它列为卫生改革的重大举措之一。这对于提高政府对卫生事业发展的宏观调控能力和水平 ,统筹规划和合理配置卫生资源具有深远意义。该文重点介绍了山东省在确定医疗资源配置标准时利用供方资料建立的测算方法 ,包括概念界定、具体测算方法与讨论三部分。
The national policy on health reforms and development clearly stated that regional health planning should be implemented as one of the most important health reform strategies. The regional health planning can help government regulate the development of health sector and it is crucially and deeply meaning to plan and allocate limited health resource. This article mainly described the supply based health resources measurement system which was used to determine allocation standard. It includes three relevant parts: definition of key concepts, specific measurement of health resources and discussion of the method.
Chinese Health Resources