目的 探索外用重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)治疗外伤创面的最佳用药浓度、给药方法与剂量,以指导临床应用。 方法 设等渗盐水加灭滴灵治疗为对照组,选择bFGF 的不同用药浓度(75 Au/cm2,150 Au/cm2,300 Au/cm2),每种浓度选择3种用药方法(每日1次法,每日3次法,每日1次加保湿法)进行创面愈合的比较性研究。 结果 bFGF在一定浓度范围内(75~300 Au /cm2)可有效促进创面愈合(P<0.05),用药方法之间比较,差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)。每日3次法与每日1次保湿法能明显缩短愈合时间。 结论 用药的次数与方法对创面愈合的影响比用药的浓度更为重要,从方便、合理与经济的角度考虑,每日1次保湿法值得临床上推荐。
Objective To explore the optimal dosage and method of bFGF application on surgical wound for accelerating its healing . Methods Laceration wounds on the extremities of 73 patients were served as the target. The wounds were applied with three different doses of bFGF (75 Au/cm2, 150 Au/cm2, 300 Au/cm2) and with three application methods, i.e. once a day, three times a day and once a day with moistening. Normal saline with 0.5% metronidazol was employed as control agents. The wound healing time in every groups was recorded in days and compared with each other. Results When compared to each other, the wound healing time (day) was much shorter ( P< 0.05) with bFGF application in dose of 75~300 Au/cm2.There were also obvious differences in wound healing time among groups treated with the same dose but with different methods(P<0.01). In addition, three times a day and once a day with moistening of bFGF application could further shorten the wound healing time. Conclusion Compared to the dosage of the agent, the frequency and method of bFGF application seemed more important for its optimal effects. In view of the convenience, feasibility and economy, once a day with moistening was recommended for clinical application.
Chinese Journal of Burns