目的 提高小儿输尿管开口异位的诊治效果。 方法 总结 2 2例输尿管开口异位患儿临床资料。男 1例 ,女 2 1例。年龄 1个月~ 12岁 ,平均 4岁。单侧 17例 ,双侧 5例。 2 1例女童中 ,有正常分次排尿伴异常漏尿 18例 ,完全持续性漏尿 3例 ;1例男童有上尿路梗阻及泌尿系感染。异位开口于阴道 14例、尿道 4例、前庭 3例、膀胱颈 1例。 结果 手术治疗 2 0例 ,其中肾切除者 11例、半肾切除者 7例 ,术后漏尿症状消失 ,3例合并输尿管残端综合征 ;1例双输尿管膀胱再植术后仍有尿失禁 ;1例直肠化膀胱术无漏尿症状。 结论 明确诊断 ,选择合理手术是小儿异位输尿管口治疗成功的关键。
Objective To summarize the experience in diagnosis and treatment of ectopic ureter in children. Methods A total of 22 cases (21 females and 1 male;mean age of 4 years,range from 1 month to 12 years) of ectopic ureter were analyzed retrospectively.Of them,17 cases had unilateral ectopic ureters and 5,bilateral.Normal,divided urination accompanied by abnormal leakage of urine occurred in 18 cases;completely continous leakage of urine in 3;and obstruction of upper urinary tract with infection of urinary system in 1.Fourteen cases had opening of ectopic ureters in vaginas,4 in urethras,3 in vestibula and 1 in bladder necks. Results Of the 22 cases 20 underwent surgical procedures.Of the 20 cases,11 had total nephrectomy and 7,partial nephrectomy.After the operation,leakage of urine disappeared,but 3 cases had syndrome of ureteral stump remnant.One case who underwent bilateral ureter-bladder reimplantation had mild urinary incontinence after the operation.One case who had vesica replaced with rectum was followed up for 5 years,the post-operative result was excellent. Conclusions It is of critical importance to establish definite diagnosis and to select appropriate mode of operation for the successful treatment of ectopic ureter in children.
Chinese Journal of Urology