随着移植免疫学研究的不断深入发展 ,诱导免疫耐受克服移植排斥反应已成为器官移植的主要研究目标。Starzl提出“双向移植排斥理论”并阐述临床使用免疫抑制药物下移植排斥反应的特点 ,突破了原有单向移植排斥理论的框架。“双向移植排斥理论”及理论内存在的问题给予我们众多有益的思考 ,在移植免疫学研究中 ,只有坚持用系统原则动态的看待事物间的联系与矛盾 ,进行科学实践 ,才能获得正确的理论 。
With further studies and developments of transplantation immunology, eliminating transplant rejection through inducing immune tolerance has become the main goal in organ transplantation.“Two-way paradigm' advanced by Starzl demonstrates the characteristics of clinical transplant rejection during doctors' applying therapeutic immunosuppressants, and breaks up the restriction of “one-way paradigm'. The ideas and problems in the new theory inform us of many significant thoughts, only scientific investigation was performed on the entity and mobility of objection, that could the correct conclusion be drawn, and so could the development of transplantation immunology be promoted.
Medicine and Philosophy