随着国民经济的迅速发展,我国经济出现了日趋繁荣的景象,但是,也暴露 出 一些尖锐的问题。如机构庞大、人员臃肿、政企不分等问题,这些问题直接阻碍了改革的 深入和经济的发展。本文试从市场经济中政府与企业的角色定位出发来阐述企业与政府的关 系。
With the rapid development if economy ,the problems of the rel ati onship between enterprises and government become intensified which directly h in ders the reform policy to be carried out deeply ,and the national economic dev e lopment and impairs the relationship between the party and the masses .The pape r states the roles that government and enterprise should play respectively in th e market economy.
Mechanical Management and Development