
保乾大型三角洲岩性油藏成藏条件 被引量:5

Conditions of Lithological Reservoir Formation in Baoqian Huge Delta
摘要 通过对保乾大型三角洲岩性油藏在大情字井地区石油地质条件、油气控制因素、分布规律及深化认识的基础上,认为该区油气分布主要受构造、岩性双重因素控制,为大面积多层系叠加连片含油的岩性油藏。针对砂泥岩薄互层岩性油藏的地质特点,应用精细油藏描述技术,落实了一批局部低幅度构造圈闭,搞清了断裂系统和砂体空间展布,识别出了一大批岩性圈闭。综合评价认为该区具有3×108t的勘探潜力,为吉林油田岩性油藏的勘探提供了资源保障。 The research of the petroleum geological conditions, the control factors on oil-gas, and the regularity of oil-gas distribution show that lithological reservoirs occurred in this area are of larger area and formed by stacking of multi-layer petroliferous beds which controlled by structure and lithology. Thinking of the geological features of thininterbedded sandstone and mudstone reservoirs, we find a lot of lower-amplitude structural traps, figure out the fracture system and the sandbody distribution, and identify many lithological traps using precision reservoir description technology. The comprehensive research shows that there are about 0.3 billion tons of petroleum reserves in this area, which provides the basis of petroleum resource for the exploration of the lithologic reservoir in Jilin oilfield.
出处 《中国石油勘探》 CAS 2003年第3期45-49,共5页 China Petroleum Exploration
关键词 松辽盆地西南 三角洲 岩性油藏 成藏模式 油藏描述 地质 delta, lithologic oil reservoir, reservoir-forming model
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