The development process of sub-urban-ization in foreign countries has a fixed pattern, andthe related researches can be united conceptually.The development of Chinese cities is quiet differentfrom that of any foreign countries. The concept of'sub-urbanization', the pattern, and the course areall different. But, under the effect of foreign scholars'achievement on this field, some domestic research-ers insist on working based on foreign studies, assome others try to make out the problem based on afirst study of the status in quo of China. With a re-view of recent domestic studies of sub-urbanization,it is believed that in China it is the new phase ofurbanization, symbolizing the changing of urbandevelopment from centralization to diffusion.However, it's a course of development both in urbanareas and in their suburban areas. In a sense, if beingconsidered in relation to the aspect of regionaldevelopment, the concept of sub-urbanization canbe more properly understood.
Modern Urban Research