
提高先天性眼震手术量化的精确度——眼震图程序的改进及其对手术的指导意义 被引量:2

To improve the accurate degree of operating quantification of congenital nystagmus-improved electronystagmus and it's significance in operation.
摘要 目的 目的评价改进后的眼震图对先天性眼球震颤 (congenitalnystagmus ,CN)波形的分析能力及其对手术的指导意义。方法 改进电生理仪的视网膜电图 (EOG)程序 ,分别记录 68例不同注视方位的眼震波形并进行分析 ,对其中2 8例手术患者术前和术后的眼震图和视力进行比较。结果 改进后的眼震图能够对眼震波形进行量化分析。术前 2 8例手术中 ,2 6例跳动型均有中间位和代偿头位。术后 2 0例中间位居于原在位 ,代偿头位消失 ,6例代偿头位在 5°~ 10°。 2 5例术后原在位的视力较手术前提高 1~ 4行。结论 改进的眼震图可以对眼震的振幅、震频、震强、中间位进行精确的量化检测 。 Objective To evaluate a improved electronystagmus(ENG) and provide an accurate quantification criterion for congenital nystagmus(CN) operation by evaluating the CN graph record. Me thods Using the improved EOG program, 68 patients were recorded for the frequency, amplitude and intensity at various eye position. 28 cases' ENG and visual acuity were compared between prior and post operation.Results improved ENG could accurately quantified the waveform of CN. Out of the 28 operated patients, 26 had null zero and head posturing. After being operated, 20 cases' head posturing had disappeared, their null zero were primary eye position. 8 patients' head posturing between left 5°~10°. 25 cases' visual acuity had improved 1~4 lines. Conclusion The improved ENO could accurately quantify the frequency, amplitude and intensity of CN, Which could be used as a application standard for operation.
出处 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 北大核心 2003年第9期603-605,共3页 Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
关键词 先天性眼球震颤 眼震图 视网膜电图 外科手术 手术量化 精确度 眼震图程序 Congenital nystagmus Electronystagmus Operation
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