
肾移植术后患者白念珠菌分离株的唑类药物敏感性观测 被引量:3

Observations on the sensitivity of Candida albicans isolates to azole drug in the renal transplant recipients
摘要 目的 了解肾移植术后患者分离的白念珠菌对唑类药物的敏感性。方法 参照美国国家临床实验标准委员会 (NCCLS)公布的M2 7 A方案微量稀释法 ,对我院近年的 19株肾移植术后患者的白念珠菌临床分离株进行氟康唑和伊曲康唑药物的敏感性观测。结果  19株临床分离株中 ,发现氟康唑耐药株 7株 ,敏感株 8株 ,剂量依赖的敏感菌株 4株 ;伊曲康唑耐药株 9株 ,敏感株 8株 ,余 2株为剂量依赖的敏感菌株。结论 目前肾移植患者人群白念珠菌分离株存在严重的唑类药物耐药 。 Objective To investigate the sensitivity of Candida albicans isolates to azole drug in renal transplant recipients. Methods M27 A method based on NCCLS was used to determine the sensitivity of Fluconazole and Itraconazole to the clinical candida albicans isolates from the renal transplant recipients, who were treated in our hospital in recent years. Results Among the 19 isolates, 7 were fluconazole resistant, 8 sensitive, 4 sensitive but dose dependent, and 9 itraconazole resistant, 8 sensitive and 2 sensitive but dose dependent. Conclusion There is serious azole resistance in the Candida albicans isolates from the renal transplant recipients, and still furthermore coexisting in between.
出处 《上海医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第8期587-589,共3页 Shanghai Medical Journal
关键词 肾移植 白念珠菌 分离株 唑类药物 敏感性 Candida albicans Renal transplant recipient Azole Drug sensitivity
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