抗精神病药物所导致的性功能障碍发生率 4 0 %~ 85 % ,严重影响患者的生活质量 ,使患者对治疗的依从性降低。抗精神病药物所致的性功能障碍主要有性欲下降 (5 8% )、阳痿 (4 2 % )、性高潮缺乏 (8% )等。抗精神病药物可能通过体内的各种激素、神经介质而引起性功能障碍。对性功能障碍的治疗可根据患者的具体情况选用心理治疗或药物治疗。在选择治疗方法前医生应对患者的主诉进行完整的评价 。
Rate of sexual dysfunction caused by antipsychotic is about 40%~85%.It has a severe influence on patients'quality of life and treatment compliance.The loss of sexual desire (58%),impotence(42%),orgasmic dysfunction(8%),which caused by antipsychotic,are main symptoms.Several kinds of hormone,level of nerve transmitter,which affected by antipsychotic,might result in sexual dysfunction.Psychotherapy or medicine may be used to treat sexual dysfunction according to the status of patients.In order to get good effect,doctor must assess the patients'main complain in detail.
Acta Medicinae Sinica