The study concentrates mainly on the development of failure process incomposite rock mass. By use of acoustic emission (AE), convergence inspection, pressure monitoring,level measurement techniques and the modem signal analysis technology, as well as scan electronmicroscopy (SEM) experiment, various aspects of nonlinear dynamic damage of composite rock masssurrounding the transport roadway in Linglong gold mine are discussed. According to the monitoringresults, the stability of the rock mass can be synthetically evaluated, and the intrinsic relationbetween the damage and the characteristic parameters of acoustic emission can be determined. Thelocation of the damage of rock mass can also be detected based on the acoustic emission couplemonitoring signals. Finally, the key factors which influence the stability of the transport roadwaysupported by composite hard rock materials are found out.
The study concentrates mainly on the development of failure process incomposite rock mass. By use of acoustic emission (AE), convergence inspection, pressure monitoring,level measurement techniques and the modem signal analysis technology, as well as scan electronmicroscopy (SEM) experiment, various aspects of nonlinear dynamic damage of composite rock masssurrounding the transport roadway in Linglong gold mine are discussed. According to the monitoringresults, the stability of the rock mass can be synthetically evaluated, and the intrinsic relationbetween the damage and the characteristic parameters of acoustic emission can be determined. Thelocation of the damage of rock mass can also be detected based on the acoustic emission couplemonitoring signals. Finally, the key factors which influence the stability of the transport roadwaysupported by composite hard rock materials are found out.
This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.50074002.