Thirty-three thousand and six hundred hatching eggs of twenty-eight age of weeks Nongda Ⅲ breeding birds were put into two same incubators to incubate,each of them had16800eggs.One incubator normally opened the air throttle on the fifth day,another opened the air throttle on the tenth day.Determined the effect of delaying the opening time of incubator’s air throttle on fertility rate,early dead embryo rate,hatchability of fertile eggs,hatchability of hatching eggs,rate of healthy chick and stillborn rate.The result shows that during the incubation,delaying the opening time of incubator’s air throttle increased hatchability of fertile eggs and hatchability of hatching eggs and stillborn rate significantly(P<0.01),also increased the rate of heahthy chick significantly(P<0.05),but the fertility rate and early dead embryo rate did not show any obvious difference.
Shandong Poultry