目的 :为用药准确和进一步开发利用植物资源 ,制定药材标准提供依据。方法 :应用性状、显微、薄层及其紫外鉴别方法。结果 :详细描述了该生药的性状及显微特征 ;薄层板上斑点明显 ;紫外吸收光谱在2 71 2 0nm处有明显吸收。结论 :为药材鉴别提供了参考依据。
Objective: To provide a basis for further development, proper utilization and quality standard of the medicinal materials. Method: The characteristic features were observed from macroscopic and microscopic ways, the chemical constituents identified qualitatively by TLC and UV spectrophotometry. Result: Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of this medicinal herb were described. A few spots were clearly distinguished on the TLC plate. It had an absorbance peak in UV spectrum at 271.20nm. Conclusion: This may provide reference for the further study on this medicinal herb.
Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy