修正 Gom pertz峰型开发模型 ,包括开发速度、采出程度等油气开发指标。利用修正 Gom pertz峰型开发模型进行开发早期决策。修正 Gom pertz峰型开发模型亦可用于中晚期的匹配拟合的三种典型图版 ,即 log VD- log Rp 典型图版 ,log VD- log(at)典型图版和log Rp- log(at)典型图版。
This paper have put forward modified Gompertz peak shape development model, which are oilfield development indexes, for example, recovery rate and recovery percent of reserve etc. The method of determining Gompertz peak shape development model in the initial stage of development is proposed. Three type curves and their matching methods have been presented, which are the logV_D vs logR_p type curves, the logV_D vs log(at) type curves and the logR_p vs log(at) type curves in the mid-late stage of oilfield development. Modified Gompertz modelof this paper can be applied to intelligence development,life science,industry,agriculture and economics etc.
Mineralogy and Petrology