根据多年临床经验 ,结合中医理论 ,总结归纳出病窦综合征证治八法 ,即补阳温脉法治心阳亏虚、益气复脉法治心气虚弱、滋阴生脉法治心阴不足、健脾养脉法治气血亏损、固脱救脉法治阴阳欲离、理气和脉法治肝郁气滞、化瘀通脉法治瘀血阻脉、祛痰调脉法治痰浊痹阻。
According to many years′ experience and theory of TCM,the eight methods treating sick sinus syndrome were concluded.That is nourishing-Yang and warming arteries and veins to treat heart deficiency-Yang,nourishing-Qi and recovering pulse to treat heart deficiency-Qi,nourishing-Yin and procreating pulse to treat heart deficiency-Yin,strengthening spleen and fostering pulse to treat Qi and blood deficiency,stopping exhaustion and saving pulse to treating Yin and Yang separating from each other,regulating Qi and conciliating pulse to treat depression of liver-energy,dredging stasis and pulse to treat stasis blocking pulse,expelling phlegm and conciliating pulse to treat phlegm stagnation.And all methods have cases to explain.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine