One of the open issues in principle scheme design of mechanical systems is principle representation, which not only outlines the physical principles, but also facilitates the design synthesis. An energy-based approach to represent principle scheme design is proposed. Firstly, an energy interaction model of mechanical systems is established and an intermediate model is derived, in which principle scheme design is transformed into solving the energy functions of system. Then the energy functions are modeled with the language of bond graphs, and principle representation for components is presented. Finally, characteristics of the developed representation approach are analyzed and a design example of gate drive system is given to demonstrate this approach.
One of the open issues in principle scheme design of mechanical systems is principle representation, which not only outlines the physical principles, but also facilitates the design synthesis. An energy-based approach to represent principle scheme design is proposed. Firstly, an energy interaction model of mechanical systems is established and an intermediate model is derived, in which principle scheme design is transformed into solving the energy functions of system. Then the energy functions are modeled with the language of bond graphs, and principle representation for components is presented. Finally, characteristics of the developed representation approach are analyzed and a design example of gate drive system is given to demonstrate this approach.
This project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60174037, 50275013)
and Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education.