The structure is complicated and fulled of faults in deep layer. The exploration and seismic data processing workers devote themselves to the study of reservoirs and resources and the technical of seismic data processing. They do their best to look for making progress in oil and gas exploration. It is difficult to reach the accu-racy of geological interpretation using common seismic data processing method, so we have done a lots of work in dip moveout correc-tion (DMO) . The normai moveout corrected seismic data are mi-grated to the zero offset dipping reflector, which solves the problem in deep layer image. The real seismic data processing showed that the horizontal resolution is increased, the effects of dip angle in ve-locity analysis are removed and the diffraction is enhanced through DM0 processing based on appropriate prestack noise attenuation, rational NMO methord and accurate velocity analysis. After the DMO processing the signal-to-noise ratio of the dip and the horizontal reflector is raised. The accurate image of dipping layer and complicated faults is reached, the real structure form is represen-ted.
Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing