
强震作用下损伤退化控制指数影响研究 被引量:1

The impact study of damage and degradation control index on steel frame subjected to strong earthquakes
摘要 为定量表达累积损伤对结构承载力和刚度退化的影响以及对结构变形的增大作用,建立5层、10层和15层的钢框架整体结构,分别采用考虑损伤的等效本构模型和不考虑损伤的循环本构模型,选取8条地震波进行弹塑性时程分析。对比不同地震波作用下考虑损伤与否计算得到的结构层间位移角,获得损伤退化对不同层数钢框架抗震评价指标的影响规律,提出用于损伤破坏控制的退化指数预测曲线,对考虑损伤退化的钢框架抗震性能评价方法进行初探。分析结果表明:3种结构考虑损伤退化影响的计算变形会明显大于不考虑损伤模型的计算结果。随着楼层的增加,考虑损伤和不考虑损伤的层间位移角差异逐步减小。3种层高模型的薄弱层出现位置均为0.4~0.5倍的层高,在设计中应注意。 In order to quantitatively describe the effect of strength and stiffness degradation on seismic behaviors of steel frame and investigate the amplification effect of damage on deformations, frames of five-floor, ten-floor and fifteen-floor were established with both equivalent constitutive model considering damage and cyclic hardening model without considering damage. 8 earthquake waves were selected for time history analysis. The differences of inter-storey drift ratio distribution calculated by two models were compared. The influencing laws and degree of damage and degradation on seismic indexes were obtained. The prediction curve of degradation index was proposed, which was used for damage control. Preliminary evaluation methods for seismic performance of steel frames considering damage and degradation were discussed. The analysis results showed that: the deformations of three frames calculated by damage model were obviously larger than the ones of the non-damage model. With the increasing of floors, the differences of inter-storey drift ratio between damage model and non-damage model were gradually reduced. The weak floors of three models were located at 0.4 to 0.5 height of frames, which should be paid more attention in design.
出处 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S2期273-279,共7页 China Civil Engineering Journal
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2014JBM074) 中国博士后科学基金(2014M550021) 国家自然科学基金(51038006 51178041)
关键词 钢框架 等效本构模型 循环本构模型 损伤退化控制指数 弹塑性时程分析 层间位移角 steel frame equivalent constitutive model cyclic constitutive model control index of damage and degradation elastic-plastic time history analysis inter-storey drift ratio
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