研究氧化-还原法直接再生利用重合金切屑的工艺技术,并发现,通过控制工艺参数,例如,在850℃使用氢气还原,能够采用此技术得到高质量的再生重合金粉末,其粒度细小,约为1μm,粉末形状规则;然而,当还原温度提高至900℃及其以上时,还原粉末长大,表面变得不规则。在原始颗粒的表面生长出许多根须。但随着还原温度从900℃提高至950℃,再生粉末的含氧量由0 2314%降低至0 1700%。此外,氧化-还原法直接再生的重合金粉末化学成分与原始粉末相当。
The processes of direct recycling heavy metal turnings by the oxidation-reduction technique have been investigated in detail. The average particle size of recycled alloy powders was about 1.5 μm, and the shape of powder particle whose main chemical composition is W-Ni-Fe-Co-Mn was regular when the final reduction temperature was 850°C. The average size of the particle increased to 5 μm and 8 μm when the reduction temperature was increased to 900°C and 950°C, respectively. However, if the reduction temperature was above 900°C, the surface of recycled powder was complicated. When the reduction temperature was increased from 900°C to 950°C, the particle of recycled powder grew slightly, and the content of oxygen decreased from 0.2314% to 0.1700%. It has been also found that the chemical composition of the recycled alloy powder is the same as that of the primary heavy metal turnings.
Powder Metallurgy Technology