近三十年来,积云参数化的研究已取得了很大进展,随着中尺度业务模式的研制,中尺度模式中如何考虑对流遂成为人们研究的热门课题之一。 Kuo的对流参数化方案目前仍被大多数数值模式所采用,它对积云特征的考虑比较简单,因而更适合于大尺度的数值模式。在中尺度模式中,积云特征的考虑应更加细致。
With a 11-layer primitive equation model, Fritsch et al's (1980) cumulus parameterization scheme and Kuo's scheme (1974) are compared in simulating a Meiyu precipitation process on 27 June 1981.
It's indicated that the two scheme have different convective feedback. For the Fritsch et al 's scheme, the convective heating rate is negative at cloud base and top. Difference is also found in the convective moistening rate, leading to contrasting features for their resultant fields of precipitation, temperature and pressure. The vertical exchange of momentum is considered in Fritsch et al's scheme, which is analysed here with the conclusion that the exchange tends to unifonhize the environmental wind fields and may be a factor for cumulus decay.