看客是鲁迅杂文和小说中经常提及和描写的对象 ,鲁迅对看客形象充满了不满与憎恶 ,并以形象的手法对其进行了独具特色的惩罚。鲁迅对看客现象的关注源于他作为启蒙者的使命感以及对于中国社会历史的深刻认识 ,而他对看客的愤激态度则源于他对于我们民族深沉的爱。
The onlookers were often mentioned or described in Lu Xun's early essays and short stories. It shows strong dissatisfaction and hate of Lu Xun to the onlookers. Lu Xun punished the onlookers in a special way in his works. The reasons that Lu Xun paid so much attention to the onlookers are due to his mission awareness and deep cognition about Chinese society and history. And his wrath to the onlookers is due to a deep love to our nation.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics