以热电厂过热蒸汽作介质 ,采用改进后带有立式涡轮分级机的流化床对喷式气流磨试验研究过热蒸汽加工超细粉煤灰。实验中 ,将电厂烟气引入系统 ,用于调控流场 ,提高粉碎效率 ,降低蒸汽的露点温度 ;同时 ,用于系统的预热和停机时防止系统结露。粉煤灰从涡轮分级区加入有效地保护了粉煤灰中玻璃微珠。实验结果表明 ,以过热蒸汽为介质的气流磨能耗低、粉碎力大 ,粉碎分级、收集过程在全干法下完成 ,是一低成本。
The paper studied the ultrafine process of fly ash by superheated steam from heat power station in the improved fluidized bed opposited jet mill with a vertical turbine classifier In the experiment, the smoke of the heat power station flows into the system, which is used to control the fluid field, raise the comminution efficiency, lower the steam's dew point temperature, at the same time, which is also used to preheat systems and prevent the system from dewing in the process of systems shutting down The glass microbead in the fly ash are protected by the fly ash imported from the separation area of the turbine classifier The results showed that the jet mill was of low energy consumption, high comminution force The processing of comminution classification, collection was accomplished in the dry condition completely This indicated the fluidized bed opposited jet mill in superheated steam was an idea equipment to process the ultrafine fly ash in a lower cost, high capacity in production
Modern Electric Power