在Desargues定理已被推广到n维射影空间Pn 中两个三点形 (三角形 )及两个四点形 (四面体 )的情形的基础上 ,将Desargues定理推广到Pn 中两个n+1点形的情形 ,从而使原推广的结论成为此推广的特例 .
On the basis of the works in which Desargues thechem has been generalized about two triangles in n-dimension projective space P n and about two 4-point patterns in 3-dimension projective space P 3 A generalized Desargues thevrem about two (n+1)-point patterns in P n is obtained, showing that the former generalized results are special examples given in this paper.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University