根据绿洲地区农业节水灌溉的要求 ,建立了使用于该地区的优化灌溉模型 ,求出了优化灌溉时间和最优灌溉量 ,为农业水资源优化利用提供决策依据。根据模型可认为 ,灌水周期随灌溉运作费增大而增大 ,随作物的耗水和土壤水无效损失增大而缩短。最后结合应用实例分析 ,得出了作物在不同生长阶段 。
According to the characteristics of oasis' agriculture,a model on water resources optimal utilization in oasis' field is established based on the rational assuming.By the model,it is shown that irrigatian period increases with the increase of irrigation cost,and decreases with the increase of of water comsumption of crops and ineffective lose of soil water.In the end,combined with and example,optimal irrigation period and water quantity are determined on the model.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology