通过在大通县青山乡龙卧村干旱阳坡造林中进行 99复合促产菌剂的应用试验 ,对 99复合促产菌剂在退耕还林 (草 )工程中的应用效果进行了初步研究 ,结果表明 ,可提高造林成活率和植物生长量 ,这对退耕还林 (草 )工程实施中提供了一种新的增产措施。
Promate growth compound were applied in drougth south slope forestation test proceed of Longwo village Qingshan town Datong county.The effect of appling 99 Promate growth compound antibacterial agent was preliminary in proect coinverting the land for forestry(grass).The result showed,forestation survival percent and plant increment were both increased.A new increasing yield measures was supplied in carring out construction of convertings the land for forestry(grass) \ \
Science and Technology of Qinghai Agriculture and Forestry