
广州市区334例跟骨定量超声骨量研究 被引量:1

Diagnosis of Osteporosis by Using Quantitative Vltrasound QUS-2
摘要 应用跟骨定量超声仪 (QUS -2 )对 9个年龄段 ( 4年为 1段 ) 3 3 4名 (男 163人 ,女 171人 )健康志愿者 (除外患有影响骨代谢疾病及跟骨疾病者 ) ,进行跟骨超声振幅衰减 (BUA)测定。结果显示 :①峰值BUA位于 3 5~ 3 9岁年龄段 ,男性 ( 116 81± 3 2 6dB/MHz) ;女性 ,( 10 5 3 9± 5 2 2dB/MHz) ;②峰值骨量过后BUA随增龄而逐渐降低 (P <0 0 1) ,至 45岁年龄段时 ,男女均进入骨量减少期 :女性 5 0岁、男性 5 5岁年龄段时BUA均值进入骨质疏松期 ;③跟骨定量超声骨量峰值无明显性别差异 ,建立的峰值骨量可作为临床和流行病学研究诊断骨质疏松的基础参考值。 To measure BUA in normal adults and study the diagnostic calcaneal osteoporsis.A total of 104 normal healthy adult volunteers were divided into 9 groups by age(4year interval for each group) .Their BUA was measured by using QUS-2.Results (1)Peak BUA was seen in the 35-39 year (males116.81±3.26dB/MHz ;females105.39±5.22dB/MHz ).(2) BUA declined gradually with increasing age (p<0.01). BMD tended to decrease distinctly in females over 50 years old, and in males over 55 years old. (3) No significant difference in peak bone mass of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound is found in males and females, and these measuring values can serve as the baseline for the diagnosis of osteoprosis in clinical application and epildemiological studies.
出处 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2003年第5期43-44,共2页 Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
关键词 峰值骨量 定量超声 骨质疏松 Peak bone mass Quantitative ultrasound Osteoporosis
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