Taking advantage of the method of studying on ophiolite to analyse the data of copper-Cobalt and polymetallicsulphide deposit of Deerni,the conclusion is reached that Deerni deposit was formed in the epicontinental rift.The rock ofControlling mineralization is the ophiolite and hosting ultramafic rock is not ultramafic yolcano-rock but metamorphicperidotite.There is no relation between mineralization and volcano-sedimentation.With sulfide mineralizing magma ofanatectic pyrolite injecting into the cracks Of upper mantle,the origional ore bodies were formed and developed into a new typeof copper-polymetallic sulphide deposit through metamorphic deformation,multiple superimposed hydrothermalism andexogenic reformation companying with complex evolutional process of the rift.So deep prospecting is considered as a possiblesuccessful way.
metamorphic“peridotite”partly anatectic pyrolite anatectic sulfide mineralizing magma copper deposit of Deerni Type