Microstructures of the localized shear bands generated during explosion with a thick-walled cylinder specimen in Ti-6AI-4V alloy, were characterized by TEM and SEM. The results show that the twinning is a major mode of deformation, and the distortion-free grains in the bands with the size of 10μm in diameter were proposed to be the re-crystallization during dynamic explosion. The further observations show that the α→α2 phase transformation may occur in the bands, and this kind of transformation could be confirmed by its dark field image and electron diffraction analysis. Analysis shows that there is specified orientation between the α and α2 Phases.
Microstructures of the localized shear bands generated during explosion with a thick-walled cylinder specimen in Ti-6AI-4V alloy, were characterized by TEM and SEM. The results show that the twinning is a major mode of deformation, and the distortion-free grains in the bands with the size of 10μm in diameter were proposed to be the re-crystallization during dynamic explosion. The further observations show that the α→α2 phase transformation may occur in the bands, and this kind of transformation could be confirmed by its dark field image and electron diffraction analysis. Analysis shows that there is specified orientation between the α and α2 Phases.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.50071064 and 19891180-2)
the US Army Research Office MURI Program under Contract DAAH04-96-1-0376
the Department of Energy Grant DEFG0300SF2202.