经过反复的调查和对文献资料的分析 ,初步提出 :体育与健康课程模式的多元化 ,是新“课标”由目标理念向操作化进程的有效途径。课程模式多元化 ,要以单元为基础 ,构建模块组合 ;以新“课标”为母体 ,构建子项模式 ;以新“课标”为依据 ,完善结构体系 ;以模式为中介 ,超越课程模式。
The writer has discussed how to improve the system of P.E. curriculum and its six factors involves course view, course objective, course contents, course evaluation and so forth on the basis of P.E. and health curriculum standard. the writer has discussed how to select curriculum models for us. i.e., build up model block on the basis of unit, build sub-models on the basis of standard, construct diversify models which depend on standard flexibility and improve it, to construct models and surpass it. All of these will help us to serve modifying the P.E. curriculum on basis education in China.
Journal of Chengdu Sport University