Soil microorganism not only drives the cycling of organic matter and nutrients but also contains an important resource of plant nutrients in the soil. By exuding protons, organic acids and phosphatases, soil microorganism (bacteria and fungi included) can both dissolve insoluble inorganic phosphorus and hydrolyze organic phosphorus in soil, which process is regulated by the phosphorus equilibrium between soil supply and plant demand. Soil microbial biomass phosphorus, the relatively active fraction of soil organic phosphorus, was often considered as a labile pool of soil available phosphorus because of its short turnover time. At present, the measurement of soil microbial biomass phosphorus was non-uniform, but the fumigation-extraction method was used relatively widely. In this paper the roles microorganism played in improving soil phosphorus availability were illustrated, and the turnover of soil microbial biomass phosphorus and its importance was also reviewed. Moreover, the practicability and limitation of thefumigation-extraction method for measuring soil microbial biomass phosphorus were evaluated.
Ecology and Environmnet