高秆隐性恢复系 (eR系 )同原恢复系 (R系 )相比 ,分蘖力下降、生育期缩短 ,株高、穗颈、叶片长、倒一节间和倒二节间都显著增长 ,使得eR系在制种时不必施用赤霉素。利用eR系组配的e 杂交稻同其不含eui基因的原杂交稻相比 ,只有一个eui隐性单基因的差异 ,使e 杂交稻的株叶形态和构成产量因素同原杂交稻十分相似 ,且具有千粒重增大以及植株速生、快长、早熟等特点 ,使利用eR系组配的e 杂交稻具有一定增产潜力。
Compared with the corresponding R lines without eui, eR lines showed significant increasing in plant height, panicle exsertion, length of leaf, length of first internode, length of second internode. eR lines headed 4 days earlier, with little less number of tillers. F 1 of eR lines (e-hybrids) had similar performance in plant type and other major agronomic traits comparing to corresponding F 1 of R lines. E-hybrids showed a little increase in plant height and slightly increased the length of panicle, the length of panicle base exserting out of leaf sheath, the length of flag leaf and the first internode than F 1 of R lines. Moreover, e-hybrids headed a few days earlier, as well as showed greater grain weight resulting in higher yield potential than that of corresponding original hybrids.
Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (30 0 70 470 )
国家重点科技项目 (攻关 ) (95 -0 0 1-0 1-0 6 )